Water Department Rate Increase

Water Department Rate Increase

On August 9, 2023, the Water Department held a Public Hearing at the Town Offices, 4 Sandy Lane, and via Zoom to discuss increasing water rates for Whately Water consumers.

The Water rates linked below are effective as of October 2, 2023. Please note, that in addition to the typical yearly increase for base charges and consumption charges, several of the other fees such as connection fees, final reading fees, shut-off and turn-on fees, etc., have been implemented and/or increased for FY24. This is the first time these fees have been increased in several years.

Rate adjustments are required to meet the Water Department's financial obligations to operate and maintain the water system. New water rates will appear on your SPRING 2024 water bill. In addition to rate increases, there will be a basic service charge in relation to the size of your meter that will be applied to your bill. This basic service charge is billed on a semi-annual basis. 

For more information in regard to water rate increases, miscellaneous fees, and what to expect on your Spring 2024 water bill, please click here.